Tag Archives: birthday

One Year Old and Counting

Turned a ripe old age of 1.

Turned a ripe old age of 1 today.

Today is my First Birthday. It is the first year anniversary of my triple heart bypass surgery. I’m one. I survived the first year. Hopefully there are many more years to come.

On this day a year ago, I was wheeled into the surgical unit before 7:00 a.m. in the morning and before I knew it after talking to a few people while on a gurney, I fell into a deep sleep and never got up again until sometime after 4:30 that afternoon.

Upon waking up, I was a new man, in some pain and discomfort, but most definitely fixed and saved from my harrowing brush with death. It was an uphill climb for there which challenges me to this very day to exercise and to eat healthy foods.

I mark this day with this short and brief entry to say “Hello, I made it”.

I will hopefully blog more in the coming new year. May you all have a great 2017.