More often than not I project a negative outlook of myself. I know it is not a healthy thing to do, but I do have my doubts, fears and anxieties in life.
I have a friend, her name is Lisa, and she has over the years overcome many obstacles that have been placed in front of her life. She still faces new ones head on with bravery, bravado, persistence and tenacity and does her best to keep a positive outlook despite life’s ups and downs. Her persistence in remaining positive will pay off with great rewards in the future.
One thing Lisa is really good at is helping people. She is a friend that I can count on to build my confidence, inspire me to think more highly of myself and look for the positive things in life. She recently sent me this little checklist of attributes that apply to me. They are all presented in this clever alpha list:
You are artistic, buoyant, clever, determined, extraordinary, friendly, generous, helpful, independent, jaunty, kind, level-headed, memorable, notable, outstanding, persistent, quick-witted, realistic, skilled, thoughtful, understanding, valuable, wonderful, (e)xact, youthful, and zealous. Today’s alphabet of you!
Thank you Lisa for being such a good friend.
See Yourself as Wonderful
More often than not I project a negative outlook of myself. I know it is not a healthy thing to do, but I do have my doubts, fears and anxieties in life.
I have a friend, her name is Lisa, and she has over the years overcome many obstacles that have been placed in front of her life. She still faces new ones head on with bravery, bravado, persistence and tenacity and does her best to keep a positive outlook despite life’s ups and downs. Her persistence in remaining positive will pay off with great rewards in the future.
One thing Lisa is really good at is helping people. She is a friend that I can count on to build my confidence, inspire me to think more highly of myself and look for the positive things in life. She recently sent me this little checklist of attributes that apply to me. They are all presented in this clever alpha list:
You are artistic, buoyant, clever, determined, extraordinary, friendly, generous, helpful, independent, jaunty, kind, level-headed, memorable, notable, outstanding, persistent, quick-witted, realistic, skilled, thoughtful, understanding, valuable, wonderful, (e)xact, youthful, and zealous. Today’s alphabet of you!
Thank you Lisa for being such a good friend.
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Posted in Commentary, Health, Life
Tagged alpha list, attitude, attribution, encouragement, friendship, health, help, life, positivity, wonderful